I got out the sewing machine last night - La went to bed a little early, and I cranked some stuff out before Project Runway (another whoda thunk - no one was eliminated?)
I made the fleece sleeping bag "liners" for DH and the monkey. (no pics). And I trimmed up and did the binding on the nephew quilt. Here it is finished:
I even had a little time to sew up some of the coins for the Chinese coin quilt that are cut out and ready. I'm at a phase, though, where not much is cut out and ready to sew (but I did clear the stack a little) and the next step is ironing and cutting (blech.) I think I have a plan for the quilt for LaLa. I've been wandering though the quilt pictures on Flickr. Quite inspirational. So, anyway, next up for the sewing machine are finishing the green/yellow quilt, pajama pants for Lala, a dress for LaLa, quilts for La and the Monkey, and then inserting other things as they arise - bags, pajama pants for nephews, a remote caddy for the arm of the couch, grocery bags (these were both requests from DH), a couple other quilt ideas I've got....stuff like that.
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