Thursday, June 09, 2005

Here we have the contents of the package all laid out. There's a very cute little tote bag. A nice knitting related note. Mary Engelbrect (sp?) sticky notes (I have a soft spot for her). Spearmint scented pedicure set, including little toe separator gizzies. A silk pouch with *da-ta-da* beaded stitch markers in lovely blues and greens! I'm going to closely inspect how these were put together because I'm thinking of making something related for a certain someone who shall not be named. And, last but not least, a delightful fringey yarn in the colors of a peacock tail. So many of my favorite colors all mixed up together! Very lovely. Not sure what it will be, but it will be pretty! Thank you very much, SP!

An SP5 gift!

Oh, and by the way, my tea came yesterday too! It smells divine and the little tins are so darn cute! I'm a little stymied on the ratio of how much tea to use for a coffee cup of hot tea, though. Also, I'm considering a crazy experiment with the gourmet tea and my Mr. Iced Tea maker this weekend.

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