Thursday, March 15, 2007

Baby Gifts and other updates

DH has a work baby shower in the first week of April. The "office men" had the option of pooling money for a "from the guys" gift (which seems kind of gender biased, but maybe I misread the email.) In discussing what DH was planning with work friends, I am now jokingly referred to as his "sweatshop". He asked if I could knit up a baby blanket. I'm assuming that's a compliment (and not just a whole gross underestimation of what it takes to make a baby blanket and how much free time I have.) I may have laughed at him and said that I might be able to work up a hat. Here's what I've got in the works:

baby gift

The bibs were really easy to make (but they still need fasteners. I think I'm going to get some of those velcro circles. I used the pattern template for Bib B from Pooppockets. (who thought of that URL?) The ducks and the yellow are both flannel and leftover/stash. The yellow was in the electric sherbert quilt and the ducks were from my nephew's quilt. I skipped the pocket. I cut out the pieces, turned them right side together and sewed with a 1/4" seam allowance, leaving an opening to turn right side out. Turned them right side out. At the hole, tuck in the edges and pin. Topstitch. They are a little on the delightfully wonky side, but probably pretty functional.

The other things are flannel recieving blankets. Also very easy to make and really handy to have. It is 1 yard of flannel off the bolt (so about 36x45"), washed and pressed. Turn the edges under twice and sew with a zig-zag stitch. You can mess around with the thread color, sewing all three with a contrasting thread color (esp. good if there's a coordinating theme to the fabrics) or match it to the material. whichever. The corners take a little navigating because there a lot of layers of fabric. The black turtles and the red/black spots still need to be turned under.

Here's the brown sock that I started for DH. For some reason, and it might be because I've been coding a lot, the idea of sitting and doing a lot of stockinette is not appealing to me right now. I completed another repeat on the Shetland Triangle shawl (um. That's three now. Only, like, 5 or so more to go.) I really like the colors of this sock - the variations of the brown.

socks for DH

Let's see.....It's starting to be shorts weather. Our Hancock Fabrics is having a huge going out of business sale (which really sucks). So, here's what's been added to the queue:

The print really surprised me, but La's been on a polka-dot kick lately. She's also got some bright stripes and plain blue and I'm hoping to use the "pretty dress" fabric that I probably bought last spring.

shorts set for La

This is the fabric for the bathroom. I figure we can pick a wall color from it - there are lots to choose from. I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm leaning toward a nice sunshiney yellow. The plan for this is a panel 6' x 6' with button holes along the top for the shower curtain holder. Then a clear vinyl shower curtain for the inside.

shower curtain fabric

Finally, here's the state of the bathroom:

bathroom, sans tub

bathroom with tub

Today there should be drywall. Then after that is some kind of tile (floor or wall, not sure which).

Oh, and I would like to figure out a way to go back and add tags but not mess up the bloglines stuff. That's why those other two posts were "refreshed."

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