Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Middle School Awards Ceremony with a 5 year old

The Monkey won (earned? recieved?) an award tonight for his scores on the FCAT for the last three years.

We went with the whole family. The Monkey's award was towards the end. Here's what I sat next to:

squirm squirm squirm
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
up down up down
shift twist adjust
drop pickup
are we done yet? no?
how much longer?
whisper whisper
flip the seat up and down
fidget fidget
kneel sit back
sit up sit back
stand kneel
when can we be done?
can we go outside?
wiggle wiggle
up and down up and down
squirm squirm
whisper: now?
man! whisper whisper
sit up sit down kneel
whisper whisper
squirm squirm squirm
wiggle wiggle
up and down up and down
drop blankie
pick up blankie
flip the seat
flip the seat
are we done yet?
find thumb
squirm squirm squirm

Let me just say: (1) The girls did better than I expected. (2)I was very pleased that the monkey earned an award.

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