Saturday, November 22, 2008

A special request

The monkey mentioned that he could use slippers. I got out the box of feltable wool and told him to pick one out (purple). Then asked if he wanted a second color and he picked out a stripe color (black). The choices surprised me - I was sure he'd go with charcoal, or maroon or something. He's been trying out colors not usually in his palette lately. It seems a little affected and they aren't really that flattering to his skin tone, but I guess it's good to branch out and expiriment. If you can't do that at 14, when can you?

Dang. I need to finish his quilt. And El's.

But the Fuzzy Feet are rolling along. Here's a shot from Thursday. I finished the first one Friday when I was home with La. Turned out to be a good thing that he picked purple - there's a lot of it in the stash.

Fuzzy Monkey Feet

The color is so not accurate, but at least you can see the stripes. Pretty low contrast under artificial light, but during the day you can see them pretty well.

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