Wednesday, July 04, 2012

My New Bag

Do you guys know Thirty-One?  Usually I sew my own bags.  There are pros and cons to this:  On the pro side, I'm not limited by my budget intersecting with what I can find in stores.  And I can keep trying until I get something I like.  On the con side, the pocket and compartment situation is pretty limited.  My sister in law had a thirty-one party and I got El and La these little tote bags with an applique on the front and their initials embroidered and they are a good size for them to carry a few things.  La even used hers for school for a while.  My other sister in law had a thirty-one party and they didn't have those bags anymore.  But I got one that was the same style but a little bigger for me.  It is great.  But it was plain.  It turns out the colors and appliques of the ones I got for the girls was a big feature.

So, I've been pinning embroidery and crewel pictures.  My co-worker gave me some hand-me-down craft supplies and it included a stuffed baggie of embroidery floss.  A rainbow of colors.

This is what I've done so far.  I may add more to it later, but it's OK for right now. Retro Metro Bag ++100_1660a


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