Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rule Number 1:

Read the directions.

Rule number 2: Follow them.

I had to frog the sock for La-la back to the end of the flap/picking up stitches for the gusset because of that. I'm using this Opal free pattern. Turns out you're supposed to continue the 3x2 ribbing from the cuff across the top of the foot. Who knew? Well, I would have if only I had RTFM. I had done the top of the foot in regular old stockinette, and it was seeming to be too big, compared to our "control group" (a new Tinkerbell sock that fits La generously).

The yarn I'm using is some kind of Red Heart Baby in the color "baby stripes" (this is probably not the real name, but you know what I mean, even though you don't want to admit it.) I had it on hand because of an ambition to make preemie things for a charity like The Preemie Project. Never came to fruition (for one thing, I still have trouble fathoming that they really need stuff that's that small - trust me, this reflects only on me, I'm not accusing anyone else of anything. For another, we have dog hair here from the fat dog Tiger, and our local hospital, where La herself was born, said no smoking, no pets for their crafting volunteers. These kids are super-fragile. Completely understandable to me.) So, our fair La-la picked it out of the stash, and at long last, the yarn is getting put to good use.

On another note - If my SP5 pal is still out there....You have not yet revealed yourself to me!

One more announcement - I took photos this weekend of all of my WIP. We should have something to see when DH downloads the pics.

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