Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Targetty is done!

We've talked about this before, I think, where the key to finishing something is working on it.

I started this in October 2013.  The pattern is Targetty (rav), by Melanie Berg.  I bought it as part of the K*tog (knit all stitches together) package of patterns to benefit people affected by the tornadoes in Moore, Oklahoma.  I finished it this weekend, after a car wrecked my kids' former daycare, binding off at a baby shower for my in-law's.  You can only follow so many connections, before eventually, one will take you out of the tunnel.

The yarn is Cascade Heritage Silk.  The pattern was nice to knit - simple enough.  The rows at the end were super long, which made it kind of sloggy there.

I didn't make the increases in the same style as in the directions, but whatever.  I like how it came out.  It is definitely not mistakeless, but should stay put together with normal wear and tear.

When I finished it, it reminded me of someone sweet, so I gave it to her mother.

Targetty is done!



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